Red Hand of Doom - Session 41: Inside Castle Amber: Theater of the Jabberwock

August 6 - Day 2

Waking, the Daring Friends did not recall ever stopping to rest. A wild-looking bearded man stared down at them. Looking around, they found themselves near a small, ramshackle stone building in a clearing with a cave entering a nearby hill. The man spoke in a foreign language while he swung a cudgel in the air.

“Awake you all are!” the man yelled, plopping down in the dirt beside them.

Rufus explained to Balthasar that the man was one of two who spoke nonsense. The wild-eyed hermit referred to himself as Timreh.

In the distance, rustling leaves and branches could be heard and the man entered the shack, beckoning the others to follow. The Daring Friends tried to squeeze into the shack, but couldn’t close the door until Gruffudd transformed into a cat.

Camwise cast Arcane Eye and saw, stalking into the clearing, a strange, huge, scaled, creature with scales, antennae, bizarre teeth, a tail, and bug eyes.

Noticing that Timreh was panicking, he managed to calm him with soothing words.

The creature outside soon stalked away and they all emerged from the shack. Timreh gave Camwise his mat and advised that they enter the cave.

Dameron shared the premonition he’d had while they slept: “A sharp blade is all that will save you if you remain.”

Sending his eye into the cave, Camwise saw the cave descend 300 feet to a stone passage. Gruffudd cast Darklight as they entered the cave. The tunnel led to a stuck door. Casting Arcane Muscles, Dameron shoved the door open into a large room. Dameron used his Gem of Brightness to reveal the high ceiling and wide corridor. A massive curtain covered the right side. Sixty feet up was a walkway.

Examining the area, they determined they were on a stage, and beyond the curtain were theater benches populated with an audience.

Dameron used Thaumaturgy to introduce the Daring Friends as Balthasar raised the curtain to the audience’s applause.

In the middle of the stage, Camwise called for a beast. As the winged monstrosity from the clearing dropped to the stage, the audience gasped as a gout of flame emerged from its mouth.

From backstage, Balthasar pulled the ropes to drop more marionettes to the stage. Dameron slipped backstage to assist the drakkenwhyte as a third set of ropes descended, dropping a marionette of a middle-aged man with a holy symbol. The rope got stuck as Dameron used Thaumaturgy to voice the puppet’s holy words. The creature sliced the rope, leaving the puppet hanging by a thread. Gruffudd attempted to save the puppet, but the audience booed and hissed.

A mechanical level emerged from the floor, and Camwise used Mage Hand to maneuver it, opening a trap door in the floor. A comically large sword rose through the opening.

Meanwhile, the walkway collapsed, and Blathasar floated to the floor as Dameron clumsily swung down from the ropes, crashing into the creature.

Camwise used Mage Hand to bring the sword to a marionette.

Balthasar heard voices from the audience as a troupe of actors emerged from the darkness. One of them referred to themself as Frederick D’Amber and was insulted at their stage being misused.

Balthasar negotiated a deal for the friends to kill the creature, and Frederick gave him a quill and paper to record their activity.

The Daring Friends slunk out of the backdoor as Frederick apologized to the audience for their poor performance.

Back in the clearing, Camwise led them in the direction the creature went as Dameron followed its tracks.

When they reached a stream, they used their folding boat to cross it.

Continuing to follow the tracks, they reached a goldfish-filled lake. Dameron and Balthasar picked up the tracks to the east where they heard the sound of falling water.

They reached a waterfall near a clearing and heard branches breaking and the creature’s clawed feet of the Jabberwock emerged into view. Dameron cast Bless and Balthasar summoned Sir Aldric.

Sir Aldric used his Noble’s Inspiration as it marched toward the Jabberwock. Camwise cast Slow on it, but it resisted. Balthasar cast Blur. The Jabberwock flew into the air and ignited the area in flames. Dameron hit it with a Lightning Bolt. Gruffudd cast Call Lightning, blasting the Jabberwock.

Advancing, Camwise cast Fly on Balthasar who flew up to the Jabberwock and swung at it. Jabberwock clawd and bit into Balthasars Shield. Dameron and Gruffudd hit it with Lightning Bolts.

Sir Aldric shot the Jabberwock with his crossbow. Camwise blasted it with a Cone of Cold. Balthasar slashed into it with Rufus. Healing itself, the Jabberwock hit Balthasar with its claws and grabbed him. Dameron hit it with a Guiding Bolt. Gruffudd hit it with a Lightning Bolt.

Camwise missed with an Acid Arrow, dripping acid onto the Jabberwock. Catching his breath, Balthasar quaffed a Superior Healing Potion. Healing itself, the Jabberwock clawed into Balthasar’s Shield. Dameron hit it with a Lightning Bolt.

Camwise missed with a Fire Bolt. Catching his breath, Balthasar struck the Jabberwock with Rufus. Healing itself, the Jabberwock perched itself on the rocks and clawed into Balthasar’s Shield. Dameron hit it with a Lightning Bolt. Gruffudd cast Blight on it.

Sir Aldric hit the Jabberwock with a crossbow bolt. Camwise hit the Jabberwock with a Cone of Cold. Immune to the cold, Balthasar slashed into the Jabberwock with a Tepid Assault. Healing itself, the Jabberwock flew down and grabbed Camwise, clawing and biting the wizard. Dameron cast Consume Vigor on it. Gruffudd cast Mass Cure Wounds.

Camwise hit the Jabberwock with Vampiric Touch. Balthasar slashed into it with Rufus. Healing itself, the Jabberwock used its Eyes of Flame to ignite the area, knocking Camwise unconscious. Gruffudd protected himself with Earth Barrier. Dameron and Gruffudd hit it with Lightning Bolts. Gruffudd cast Healing Word, reviving Camwise.

Camwise cast Telekinesis from his staff. Catching his breath, Balthasar slashed into the Jabberwock with Rufus. Healing itself, the Jabberwock clawed and dropped Balthasar, and clawed, bit, and dropped Camwise. Dameron cast Consume Vigor on it. Gruffudd revied Camwise with Healing Word, hit the Jabberwock with a Lightning Bolt and disappeared into the water.

Camwise blasted it with a Thunder Bolt, dropping the Jabberwock to the ruins below. Dropping Rufus, Balthasar hit the fallen Jabberwock with his Javelin of Lightning. Rising, the Jabberwock used its Eyes of Flame to ignite the area, dropping Camwise and Sir Aldric. Dameron dropped the Jabberwock with Flame Strike. Gruffudd cast Dispel Magic to no effect.

Balthasar cut off the Jabberwock’s head with Rufus and revived Camwise with a Greater Healing Potion.

They found the Jabberwock’s lair beyond the waterfall. Camwise found a crack in the cave, leading to a hidden alcove. Inside, he could see a sword. Gruffudd transformed into a giant octopus and retrieved the Sword of Sharpness.

They took a short rest inside the cave.

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