Mushroom Madness

3,383 Necrologion 5

Arktouros, Anekdotos, Athyn, Maia, and I gathered to venture deeper into the necromancer’s cave. Before leaving, we visited Melaina so Maia could deliver a crystal to her. She was thrilled to receive the crystal, which started glowing as she held it.


3,383 Chalcanapsion 7

We had a very successful excursion and even you would be proud. My only worry is that we still don't know if magic using children are being abducted. You see, Arktouros, Autolycus, Athyn, and I met a wizard named Kleon who was eager to join us on our return to the cave. He had an owl named Gust.


3,383 Megasphagion 6

My companion, Anektdotos, was freed after having been briefly locked up for stealing the Brethren’s wagon. It was a merciful sentence considering what we had done. I am ashamed of the part I played in it. It was my plan that went wrong, and we didn’t mean to kill them even though they probably deserved it. Knowing very well what it’s like to be wrongly imprisoned—as you are well aware—I wanted to intervene but what could I do? As merciful as the polemarch might be, my pleas could just have easily made things worse. And then I wouldn’t be able to hunt down the Brethren or whoever’s responsible for abducting these magic users.

Forest of Fate

3,383 Thriambion 4

Hoping to stake out the Brethren of Fate’s monastery, we teamed up with Athyn, a triton rogue.

Ill-Fated Plans

3,383 Polidrysion 4

After purchasing a map of the surrounding lands from the merchant, Arestes, we left Neolantika to circle the northern edge of the Elden Wood, hoping to find more bandits from Krimnos or clues to the missing magic users.

The Eldenwood

Syndicate of Krimnos
3,383 Lyokymion 17

We decided to look for adventure and discovered that people had gone missing. After speaking with the watch, we investigated the house of the most recent victim. The neighbor said her husband heard suitors at the house when the victim went missing. At the temple (Karametra) where the victim worked, the priestess, Thea, told us that the victim worked as a gardener and had nightmares recently. The priestess referred us to a philosopher named Anaxomander who had information of the Nightmare Shepherd.

Fishy Phoenix

3,383 Lyokymion 11

Since regaining my freedom, I've been toiling away in the docks of Meletis, trying to keep a low profile. But recently the city was devastated by Thassa's wrath. The Twelve have requested emissaries travel to her allies to secure disaster relief in the form of food and supplies for the reeling refugees. When I heard one of those destinations was Neolantika, I felt compelled to sign up. I wonder if I will see you there. Have you moved on? Are you still alive?


Reverb takes a seat in one of the Lamda shuttle’s cargo holds where he made a makeshift bed for Hest’s unconscious body.

“You would have been proud today, Hest. Trager got captured with the droid on the way from Jaden’s ship and we had to retrieve him.


Things were looking pretty grim for Hest and especially Argunta after their 'negotiations' backfired and the crime boss they were hoping to get in with revealed that they were being traded to the empire. That is until Puppy used his newly acquired jetpack to propel himself with Reverb to the roof of the island villa...well actually 14 meters over the roof, but nothing a little tumble action could resolve.


Sitting down in front of the ship's holonet screen, Reverb scrubs the stains and machine smell out of his armor. "I'm glad I can finally take this helmet off in front of you all," he smiles. It's a common smile.

Visions of Betrayal

We need to talk! Who’s Zanzu? How could you? The questions swirled around his mind as Reverb paced quickly through the new ship they had acquired from Jaden, knowing he had to confront Hest, but still not knowing what he would say. The tension in his neck and shoulders gripped him. It was worse than when he was face to face with that dark force wielder, or when Tarnok was ambushed by the Sith, or when their squad was almost eaten by that giant killer worm.

Puppy Dog Eyes

That was a close call, but we did it. We exfiltrated our target. It wasn’t the most precarious situation I’ve been in, but General Tarnok is usually there to guide us. Fortunately, Hest was there. Not only did he shield us from that red-robed force user, but the target trusts him. They always do. Something about those watery eyes…

Alone in the Dark

It was a dark and bumpy ride and when I say dark, I mean it was pitch black. The crate was vacuum-sealed and air-tight. I was prepared for the journey and eager to reunite with Hest. The truck hadn’t stopped moving since we departed and I was grateful that the driver made arrangements to relieve himself without stopping. As it was, I was already on my last canister of oxygen and we were still rolling steady.