Ill-Fated Plans

3,383 Polidrysion 4

After purchasing a map of the surrounding lands from the merchant, Arestes, we left Neolantika to circle the northern edge of the Elden Wood, hoping to find more bandits from Krimnos or clues to the missing magic users.

After traveling for three hours, we reached the pass northeast of the Elden Wood. As we circled the edge of the wood, we encountered three wolves. They fled and we followed their bloody trail for an hour until the tracks led to a cave. Among the wolf tracks, were also bare-foot human tracks.

Inside the cave were hides from many smaller creatures. Almost as soon as we entered the cave, four wolves attacked us. Further in the cave, we encountered a wild man and his three dire wolves.

After defeating the druid and his animal companions, we spent the night in the large cave. The next day, after concealing the entrance to the cave, we dragged our significant haul back to Neolantika.

While we spent the next two days resting in town, we visited Thea, the priestess of Karametra to see if she recognized the foci Maia was supposed to deliver to her. Then we visited Anaxomander, the sage, to see if he knew anything about the items we’d recovered. He charged more than we could afford for his services but offered to trade if we recovered a tome of prophecies from the Brethren of Fate. He said they were rumored to be abducting and torturing children with the gift of foresight.

Traveling quickly, we followed the coast north and reached the Brethren of Fate’s compound before dusk.

We set camp in the woods nearby, staking the only entrance and exit to the compound. When the first wagon left, we ambushed it. Unfortunately, the two occupants were killed in the ensuing melee, and we were not able to question them.


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