Ill-Fated Plans

3,383 Polidrysion 4

After purchasing a map of the surrounding lands from the merchant, Arestes, we left Neolantika to circle the northern edge of the Elden Wood, hoping to find more bandits from Krimnos or clues to the missing magic users.

The Elden Wood

Syndicate of Krimnos
3,383 Lyokymion 17

We decided to look for adventure and discovered that people had gone missing. After speaking with the watch, we investigated the house of the most recent victim. The neighbor said her husband heard suitors at the house when the victim went missing. At the temple (Karametra) where the victim worked, the priestess, Thea, told us that the victim worked as a gardener and had nightmares recently. The priestess referred us to a philosopher named Anaxomander who had information of the Nightmare Shepherd.