Red Hand of Doom - Session 43: Inside Castle Amber: Death and Darkness

August 6 - Day 3

After a short rest, the Daring Friends explored the sacrificial chamber. A statue of a halberd-wielding wearing unfamiliar garb stood to the north. Gruffudd used Thunderwave to destroy the sacrificial circle. Camwise found a map of the grounds and a priest’s journal containing several scrolls (Enervating Light, Dispel Good & Evil, Commune, Raise Dead).

Gathering their things, they followed the map and left out of the doors to the north. Camwise used Arcane Eye to scout ahead finding, catacombs, tombs, and a moving casket.

Inside a large chamber with five caskets surrounding a single large casket, Balthasar and Dameron investigated the casket, and Dameron used his Arcane Muscles to open it. Inside was a pile of bones that clambered out of the casket and began roaming indiscriminately around the chamber.

Witten on the large casket were words that only Camwise could read:
“A king’s staff of old, sought by a hero’s heart; Are the only things which allow its sight. Another king’s case, or heart’s miraculous blood, Shall make the vision firm, and subject to touch! Yet cleansing oil or a headpiece of gold…”

A low mist began to rise from the floor and a shimmer in the air transformed into a face and floated toward Gruffudd. After clawing into Gruffudd, the mist essence disappeared and reappeared next to Camwise, slashing into the wizard. Balthasar slashed into the mist. Dameron hit it with his Spiritual Hammer. Gruffudd blasted it with Magic Missiles from his wand. Camwise cast Mirror Image.

A ghast and a ghoul emerged from two of the caskets. The ghast engaged Gruffudd and clawed him. The ghoul engaged Dameron. The mist essence permeated Balthasar’s armor but was repelled by his Protection from Evil. Balthasar slashed into the mist. Dameron smashed the mist with his Spiritual Hammer and sliced into the ghoul with his sickle. Camwise cast Fireball on the mist and the ghast and Gruffudd hit them with a Lightning Bolt, destroying the ghast.

The ghoul slashed Dameron as two ghasts rose from the caskets and flanked Dameron. Balthasar destroyed the mist with Rufus. Holding his holy symbol aloft, Dameron commanded the undead to be turned, but the two ghasts resisted. The zombie limb swarm fled Dameron. Camwise destroyed a ghast with a Fire Bolt. Gruffudd placed his Immovable Road atop the large casket.

The ghoul fled Dameron. Balthasar slashed into the remaining ghast. Camwise and Dameron destroyed the fleeing ghoul with a Fire Bolt and Sacred Flame.

After taking a short rest, Gruffudd retrieved his Immovable Rod. Dameron used his Arcane Muscles and lifted the lid off the central casket.

Inside was a massive three-foot-wide tomb, the source of the moaning. Dameron withdrew as Camwise moved up to investigate. Camwise used Telekinesis to open the tomb and a ghost arose from it.

Sertieren recognized the ghost as Merton d’Amberville. Speaking with Merton, the Daring Friends explained where they came from and why they were here, and asked where they might find items to help them fight the Red Hand hoard.

Merton offered directions to the tombs where the remainder of the Chanson of the Grayl could be found and added that there were many artifacts in the catacombs that might be of help. He mentioned a pool that is holy to those it favors and unholy to others, retainers who are loyal beyond death, and a strange creature that roams the tombs. One of the retainers, Rowland, had an epoch written about them. He also mentioned that one of the family, Medard the Mighty, was closest to the retainers and knew what was buried there. Medard could be found in the garden.

The Daring Friends departed and headed toward the tomb where they could find the second part of the poem.

Turning around a corner, Balthasar saw a sphere of darkness advancing on them. The reversed course, with Dameron lifting and carrying Sertieren. A wall dropped down in front of Camwise and Gruffudd, blocking the way.

As the sphere turned the corner, Camwise cast Dispel Magic. Dameron hit the sphere with a Lightning Bolt and dropped Sertieren, instructing him to try to pass through the blocked passage. Camwise found a mechanism in the wall, but only one-half of it was within his reach and the other switch was beyond the sphere. Gruffudd pressed the nearby switch. Dameron shot a beam of light from his gem, but it disappeared into the sphere. Camwise cast Mage Hand, which pressed the second switch, opening the barrier that was blocking their path.

Gruffudd used his Immovable Rod to keep the button pressed and exited. Balthasar summoned the Knight from his armor to press the far switch. Dameron used Storm Kick to exit the corridor, followed by Camwise. Gruffudd cast Eather Barrier to aid Balthasar as he grabbed the Immovable Rod and leaped out of the corridor. The barrier closed behind them, shielding them from the Sphere of Annihilation.

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