July 17
Dameron’s Premonition: All that glitters is not gold.
On the road, the Daring Friends met Degrell, the merchant, who shared that he does business with Achruum of the Western hold. He tried to sell Camwise some wares that offended the mage’s sensibilities.
In the late afternoon, Camwise spotted a fallen chest with gold spilling out in the distance. He cast Arane Eye to get a better look. Suspecting a trap, they continued on to the hold.
Searching for the hidden entrance to the hold, Camwise used Detect Magic and Dispel Magic to find the location but found it to be magically guarded.
Dameron called upon the dwarves, requesting entrance, warning them of a shapeshifting spy in their midst. After prolonged negotiations, three armed and armored dwarves emerged. They were skeptical of the Daring Friend’s identity but were persuaded after Balthasar bathed us all in his shield’s Moonlight.
One of the dwarves identified themself as Achruum, and they permitted entrance, descending a hundred feet into the earth below. After securing Jaervellios, the dwarves led the way to an inn and introduced them to Hywel the Runecarver and Idnerth. After hearing concerns about the shapeshifting spy, the Shining Axes’ broken contract, and Bleddyn’s dismissiveness, Idnerth agreed to help us with a defiled ancestral tomb.
That night, they slept comfortably.
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