Red Hand of Doom - Session 25: Flight from Starsong Hill

July 11

In the morning, while praying for spells, Dameron had a Premonition that he would not be able to Dispel Magic on the eggs.

Dameron cast Sending to Teyna, Lion of Brindol:
We’ve defeated Red Hand Wyrmlord in Lordrhest. Need four mounts 45 miles south of Talar toward Dwarf Hold in order to break alliance with Ghostlord.

Sending response:
Sorana, Wiston, Delora have spoken well of you. I can convince my captain of import. Anything else needed? What day to arrive?

Dameron cast Sending to Teyna, Lion of Brindol:
Bring four additional mounts to return with you. Could use a greater priest to heal our wizard’s mental affliction. We should arrive in two days.

Teyna agreed in her response.

The Daring Friends mounted the giant owls with their riders and began the flight south.

Camwise used Detect Thoughts on Nurklenak, discovering that he was fearful and consumed with finding a mount. Probing deeper, he discovered Nurklenak wanted the Red Hand with him to search for an appropriate flying creature for him to dominate. Camwise implemented a thought in Nurklenak’s mind of an ambush at Drellin’s Ferry.

Flying by the Roadblock, they saw human soldiers manning the area. Camwise cast Clairvoyance and discovered that they were soldiers of Songdale led by Zazz and Loric.

In the evening, the owls landed west of Wychcross and they made camp.

Camwise cast Clairvoyance to scry within Wychross and saw people outside the temple of St. Gregory burning humanoids at the stake.

The Daring Friends approached Wychross near enough for Camwise to get closer with his Clairvoyance spell.

Outside the church of St. Gregory, Camwise saw that they were burning goblinoids; goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears. A priest with a hateful glare and bearing a hatchet inciting violence against the goblinoids. The Warduke emerged from the church, which was the one Camwise saw previously, carrying a bound figure.

They returned to camp and rested for the night.

The Daring Friends spent the day flying to their destination.

That night, the Daring Friends landed at their destination and made camp with the elves.

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