Red Hand of Doom - Session 7: Iormel's Warehouse

June 23

Balthasar heard hissing coming from the south and was Enlarged by Camwise as he drank Potion of Giant Strength. Two green guard drakes attacked Camwise and the wizard fell but popped right back up and blinded a drake with Color Spray while defending himself with Shield. Dameron summoned his Spiritual Hammer and retaliated with a Guiding Bolt and Sacred Flames. Unable to bust the door open, Balthasar toppled bookshelves on the drakes. Camwise finished one with Shocking Grasp before falling to the other. Dameron put the other down with his Spiritual Hammer and revived Camwise but they all passed out from the poison that had been filling the cellar.

They woke from the rain to find themselves in the yard outside Iormel’s warehouse. Captain Soranna and Councilman Iormel were there, along with the sergeant and half a dozen guards. Iormel insisted they be arrested for breaking into his warehouse and when Camwise objected, Captain Soranna vouched for the companions but also confirmed that Iormel had been in a council meeting for hours. She checked the cellar and found the footlocker with the boots Dameron and Camwise described. Iormel stormed off and Captain Soranna released the companions who returned to the Green Apple Inn.

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